Wildstorm Addiction Podcast – Episode 46

Wildstorm Addiction Podcast - Episode 46

Wildstorm Addiction Podcast - Episode 46Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed | iTunes

Show Notes: Welcome to another episode of Wildstorm Addiction! Our resident Wildstorm experts Joe David Soliz & Benjamin Murphy review Stormwatch #19, Ravagers #11and Team 7 #7, as well as some other Wildstorm appearances in the new DCU 52.

00:00:00  – Joe welcomes everyone to episode #46 and gives his spoiler alerts warning. Remember, all written reviews on the website are spoiler free and usually get posted within a day of print release. This month on our “Friends of Wildstorm” series, where we bring on a lifelong or recently converted  fans of the Wildstorm Universe, we have Dave Bertrand a.k.a. DaveEB who is a regular at Clark’s Bar and can be seen spreading the Wildstorm love at the Comic Book Resource message boards sometimes too. Dave gives us a quick background on why and when he started following Wildstorm, which was the Wildstorm Rising crossover in 1994.

00:02:13  – Joe continues the slowing Wildstorm related news as it pertains to the current books in the DCU.

  • We got even more previews from the DC Heroclix: Teen Titans set as they released pics of many of the Ravagers characters. Be sure to check those out if you haven’t already. The set is due in May.
  • Bleeding Cool released a list of DC trades coming out for the rest of this year. In September we get Stormwatch Vol. 3 which collects #0, 13-18 and in December we have The Authority Vol. 2 HC which collects #13-29.
  • Tom Strong returns this July in a 6 issue mini-series called Tom Strong and the Planet of Peril. Like Astro City which returns in June, Tom Strong was not a Wildstorm universe title but was published under the imprint. It will be written by Peter Hogan with art by Carl Sprouse and Karl Story.
  • Jim Lee mentioned the Wildstorm integration into the New 52 at WonderCon in April. Quote from Comic Book Resources: “We haven’t had the best of luck with a lot of the Wildstorm stuff in the New 52,” Lee said in regards to seeing a WILDCats or Gen 13 series, “So I’d hold off on that.”

00:06:27 – Ben starts the monthly reviews off with the review of the new reimagining of Stormwatch with issue #19. Released on 4/03, written by Jim Starlin with art by Yvel Guichet and cover by Jim Starlin.

00:21:32 – Our guest and friend of the show, Dave Bertrand, keeps it going with the review of Team 7 #7. Released on 4/10, written by Justin Jordan with art by Pascal Alixe with cover by Ken Lashley.

00:33:12 – Joe gives his review of Ravagers #11. Released on 4/10, written by Michael Alan Nelson & Tony Bedard with art by Diogenes Neves and Geraldo Borges with cover by Ken Lashley.

00:41:49 – Ben gives an update on other Wildstorm related sighting and tie-ins from the other DCU 52 issue #19’s that have released this month.

  • 3/27 All-Star Western #18 – Stormwatch backup story focusing on Doctor 13
  • 4/10 Deathstroke #19 – John Lynch, Cole Cash, and Majestic appearances

00:46:06 – Ben continues by giving a run-down on the upcoming books and character appearances  in the new DCU relaunch. Remember, all these books are available digitally the same day as the print release at the DC section of www.comixology.com

  • For the week of 5/01
    • STORMWATCH #20 Don’t say we didn’t warn you! The new StormWatch is even more bloodthirsty than the previous team! On their first off-planet mission, the new StormWatch has to prove itself-while Lobo is seduced by aliens!
  • For the week of 5/08
    • RAVAGERS #12 (LAST ISSUE!) As Caitlin and Rose deal with the shocking revelation about their origins, Deathstroke takes down the remaining Ravagers. This is the end!
    • TEAM 7 #8 (LAST ISSUE!) Revealed: What broke Team 7 apart—and set Black Canary, Amanda Waller, Deathstroke and Majestic on the rocky road they travel today?
    • DEATHSTROKE #20 (LAST ISSUE!) The most accomplished cape-killer in the world gets the chance to add to his legacy when Deathstroke comes face to face with his daughter Rose and The Ravagers!
  • For the week of 5/22

00:47:45 – Joe gives some quick shout out’s starting with Chris Striker’s The Higher Authority’s message boards Clark’s Bar to continue the Wildstorm integration discussions amongst long time Wildstorm fans at http://theauthority.ws.  Also check out our friends of the show, the Image Addiction podcast as they cover new releases from Image Comics and The Savage FINcast as they cover The Savage Dragon. Both can be found at http://www.imageaddiciton.net And get twice the Valiant coverage now with our friends of the show from the Only the Valiant podcast at http://www.onlythevaliant.com (they just hit episode 100!). We also want to mention our friends over at www.culturalwormhole.com and their Valiant Future podcast where Joe now guest-hosts.

00:48:56 – Joe continues with the contact details as shown below.The opening music is “Universal Domain” by Dreamline which can be found at http://www.musicalley.com.

Contact info:
Dave Bertrand a.k.a DaveEB (Guest Host): http://webcomicsnation.com/specialdave/ where you can check out Dave’s webcomic about post-apocalyptic super-powered beings with special abilities and special physical challenges as well.
Joe: http://twitter.com/joedavidsoliz (I have changed my Twitter)
Wildstorm Addiction: http://twitter.com/wildstormaddict
Post your comments for each episode on the wildstormaddiction.com!
Email us: wildstormaddiction@gmail.com.
Facebook Fan Page: Wildstorm Addiction Podcast Fan Page
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00:51:08 – Joe will be at Dallas Comic Con on Saturday May 18th helping promote his friend’s upcoming video game Mech Knight Chronicles which is from Dinosaur Games. They can be found at www.dinosaurentertainment.com. We also got greenlit on Steam so if you have a Steam account please vote YES for us! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=137877429

Joe_and_the_swordAnd just to mention it early, Joe will also be at the big anime convention in Dallas called A-kon, May 31-June 2, promoting the game and also helping run the Icebreaker panel for newbies to the con. We may also be doing a panel called Cosplay Combat where cosplayers can battle each other using giant D&D dice a friend of mine makes. And at both cons I’m sure we’ll be carrying the giant sword prop from the game so it should be easy to spot us.