“Red Blade 2 of 3: Red Flags” (No Spoilers)
Another incredible issue from the new creative team! This can be considered the “Empire Strikes Back” of this premiere 3-part arc that Adam Beechen and Tim Seeley have constructed. Things do not bode well for our heroes. They just witnessed The Red Blade forces defeat an entire fleet and now they’re returning to finish off our heroes!
Even though many heroes are present, Beechen wisely keeps the focus down to a few while the others are either in the background or have smaller roles. Fans of The New Dynamix mini-series that came out in 2008 will get a nice surprise in this issue. It is also noteworthy that mid-way through the issue, the events we saw in Gen 13 #34 a couple of weeks ago come into play.
Tag: Mark Bagley
The Authority #19
“Destination Unknown” (No Spoilers)
Marc Bernardin & Adam Freeman continue the adrenaline rush from last issue as this one opens up. But they soon slow things down enough to give the reader (and the characters) a chance to catch their breath. For now, The Authority consists of a smaller cast of characters than what we saw in the latest issue of Wildcats (#19). This allows for some really good characters moments in this issue. But fear not, because we do still get some action here.
One of the first great character interactions is Christine Trelane and Jack Hawksmoor. With Jenny Quantum gone for some time now, Jack has stepped up and taken leadership of The Authority.