
The Wildstorm Addiction Podcast launched in April 2010 under the The Comic Addiction network. In June of 2010 The Comic Addiction network decided to close its doors leaving the Wildstorm Addiction podcast to venture out on its own. Hosted by Wildstorm Resource Wiki administrators Joe Soliz & Ben Murphy,  it is a monthly podcast that began by covering releases from the now defunct Wildstorm comics imprint. But in Sept. 2011 when DC Comics launched its New DCU 52 titles, some of the Wildstorm characters were integrated into the DCU. The podcast now covers the books and characters that were integrated into the DCU.

After several different restarts by DC Comics and life changing for both Joe & Ben, Wildstorm Addiciton stopped releasing podcasts in 2016.  However, in 2020 Joe has learned how to create YouTube videos so now he can carry on Wildstorm Addiction through videos.  You can visit the YouTube channel by clicking here.

Joe David SolizJoe Soliz has been reading and collecting comics since childhood.  Jim Lee’s X-men was one of the first comics that caught his eye.  Later, when Jim Lee left Marvel and created Wildstorm, Joe followed.  Since then, Joe has followed many comics from various companies but Wildstorm has remained the one company he’s followed without fail over the years.  Joe started reviewing Wilstorm comics on a regular basis in 2008 while simultaneously helping run the Gen 13 Club on deviantART and the now defunct Wildstorm Resource Wiki.  In 2010, he connected with two of the staff from Comic Addiction, Chris Partin and Mike Smith. Joe did some retro review podcasts with them that focused on Wildstorm books.  Joe was then offered a chance to write reviews for Comic Addiction.  Shortly after, Joe was offered the chance to create the Wildstorm Addiction Podcast.  He teamed up with Ben Murphy who was an administrator at the Wildstorm Resource Wiki.  The two began the Wildstorm Addiction podcast and the rest is history.

Ben Murphy Bio PhotoBenjamin Murphy has also been reading and collecting comics since 1992. Ben was influenced by Jim Lee’s X-men art which was introduced to him by his new big step brother at the age of 11. Wondering what to buy for the first time his step brother suggested checking out Jim Lee’s latest endeavor with his own company, Image. Wildcats and Stormwatch were his first love. Ben spent his formative years buying up as many Wildstorm Universe titles as possible and learning how to draw by hand tracing his favorite Wildstorm characters. However during his college and early married years money was too tight to continue reading and he fell off the wagon around 2000. Ben came back to comics in a big way in early 2008 with the Wildstorm Revelations and Number of the Beast stories. The fire was re-kindled and he had to go back and buy up everything that he missed. So much so that he then became a completist freak and had to even find all of the variant covers as well. Since then Ben has been an admin at the now defunct Wildstorm Resource Wiki and a regular on the old Official Wildstorm Message Boards.  Ben then hooked up with Joe Soliz in early 2010 to begin planning a podcast for the Wildstorm Imprint which then became known as the Wildstorm Addiction Podcast.

We realize that a 1 – 10 rating system does not give a true “average” rating; really 5.5 would be the middle ground. However for our purposes a “5” rating is the median “average” comic rating. We rate all of our comics on the scale set below. You can find our ratings in both the written reviews and on each podcast on the site. In the spreadsheet below you can review all of our ratings. Highlighted cells follow as such; 1 Red, 2-3 Orange, 4-6 Yellow, 7-8 Green, 9 Teal, 10 Blue.

  1. One of the worst comics ever
  2. Barely tolerable
  3. Below average
  4. Slightly below average
  5. Average
  6. Slightly above average
  7. Above Average
  8. On its way to greatness
  9. Excellent
  10. One of the best comics ever!

Wildstorm Addiction is an independent website and is not affiliated in any way with Wildstorm nor DC Comics, A Warner Bros. Entertainment Company. Any statements contained herein are the personal opinions of the site owners. For more information about Wildstorm Comics, see http://www.dccomics.com/wildstorm