We’ve joked around here several times about the upcoming Google Music Podcast service. It was announced last fall and we’ve been signed up for it ever since they started taking in applications and we weren’t quite sure it’d ever actually open up to the public.
Well it would figure that this past week it has officially launched and now we are staring down the barrel of another lapse in Wildstorm related titles, characters, or any resemblance of the universe of days past. As 3-PO would say, “this is our lot in life!” He’d also say something like, “we’re doomed!” But I wasn’t quite going that far just yet.
Joe and I will be wrapping up the podcast in May with issues 11 & 12 of Midnighter and it’s up to DC whether we’ll ever be back. It’s unfortunate that our busy lives with families, work, and other commitments won’t allow us to dive into the back bins and re-review the classic tales of Wildstorm’s amazing launch in the early 90’s. It’s up to DC if we’ll ever be back recording again, but we’ve seen how they’ve cared for those assets in the recent past.
For now though if you’d like to binge the back catalog of the podcast you can now Stream and Listen on Google Play Music Podcasts!