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Welcome to another episode of Wildstorm Addiction! Our resident Wildstorm experts Joe David Soliz & Benjamin Murphy review the new DCU versions of Stormwatch #9, Voodoo #9 and Grifter #9 as well as some other Wildstorm appearances in the new DCU 52.
00:00:34 – Ben welcomes everyone to episode #34 for the month of June 2012 and gives his spoiler alerts warning. Remember, all written reviews on the website are spoiler free and usually get posted within a day of print release.
00:01:20 – Ben gives some Wildstorm related news as it pertains to the current books in the DCU.
- We will not be discussing Ravagers #1 or The Culling crossover that led into it yet, we decided to do a separate podcast for that since it turned out to be a huge story spanning many issues across four titles.
We forgot to mention it last podcast, but Stormwatch Vol 1: The Dark Side TPB was released on May 23. It collects first six issues of the new Stormwatch in the DCU.
- August sees another Wildstorm character enter DCU as Pike will face Hawkman in Savage Hawkman #12. Helspont also returns in Grifter #12 and Deathstroke #12 presumably has more Zealot. As well as Stormwatch gracing the cover and presumably the plot of I, Vampire #12.
- The movie Red 2 is a go for August 2, 2013. It is the sequel to the 2010 movie starring Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman which was based on Warren’s Ellis’ mini-series of the same name originally published by Wildstorm. Willis and Mirren are expected to reprise their roles with Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Byung-Hun Lee (Storm Shadow from G.I. Joe) joining the cast as well.
- Listener email: from Rick Marsen reads, “I’ve noticed sales for both Grifter and Voodoo’s books are tanking. With these two gone, the Wildstorm/DCU merger is pretty much nearly done for and Wildstorm is one step closer to ending up where it was post the “Wildstorm relaunch” a few years ago. Liefeld on Grifter isn’t going to be helping things. is there any way to help these books to survive, at least till Liefeld leaves Grifter and Voodoo gets a creative team change?”
- Speaking of listeners, big shout out to all our regular listeners as we had double the amount of downloads for the month of May. Thank you guys for spreading the Wildstorm love! If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t exist!
00:07:02 – Joe reviews Stormwatch #9, released on 5/02, written by Peter Milligan with art and cover by Miguel Sepulveda. Yet another 1:25 B&W sketch variant, there have been variants since issue #5!
00:20:01 – Ben shares his thoughts for the ninth issue of Stormwatch. A great new start with writer Peter Milligan who seems to be keeping a lot of the ideas that Paul Cornell had started with this team and adding some more of his personal flare.
00:22:47 – Ben reviews Grifter #9. Released on 5/09, written by Rob Liefeld and Frank Tieri, with art by Scott Clark and cover by Rob Liefeld. The first issue by Liefeld seems to have been everything we’ve all been expecting and that wasn’t a good expectation. The first appearance of Deathblow was a welcomed addition, but I’m not convinced that adding another iconic Wildstorm character to this book is going to pull it out of the mud.
00:31:23 – Joe gives his assessment on Grifter #9, and he finally agrees with Ben! Hold your breath internet, Joe is about to say some bad things about Grifter…
00:40:32 – Joe tries to move on from the train wreck of Grifter in order to review the ninth issue of Voodoo. Released on 5/23, written by Josh Williamson with art by Sami Basri and cover by Rod Reis and Paulo Siqueira. Joe’s only small complaint about this issue is the cover, that’s a pretty good review right there. Joe also gives a nice shout-out to the crew at Comic Vine for their ad in the DCU titles this week!
00:51:41 – Ben shares his thoughts on Voodoo especially with the new direction that writer Josh Williamson is taking this title. In S S P P A A A A A A C C E E E!
00:53:24 – Ben gives an update on other Wildstorm related sighting and tie-ins from the other DCU 52 issue #9’s that have released this past month.
- 5/02 Teen Titans Annual #1 – The Culling Part 1
- 5/09 Demon Knights #9 – The death of Merlin (Adam One from Stormwatch). Also Etrigan’s armour was sighted in the secret “Black Room” in the New DCU 52 Free Comic Book Day give-a-way
- 5/09 Deathstroke #9 – First appearance of the DCU version of Zealot
- 5/09 Superboy #9 – The Culling Part 2
- 5/09 Legion Lost #9 – The Culling Part 3
- 5/23 Teen Titans #9 – The Culling Finale
- 5/30 Ravagers #1 – The Culling spin-off title, starring Caitlin Fairchild!
00:56:19 – Joe gives a run-down on the upcoming books and character appearances in the new DCU relaunch. Remember, all these books are available digitally the same day as the print release at the DC section of
- For the week of 6/06
- STORMWATCH #10 – Welcoming the art team of IGNACIO CALERO and SEAN PARSONS as a new epic begins! HARRY TANNER returns to take on STORMWATCH! More secrets of the team’s past are revealed!
- RED LANTERNS #10 – Welcome new artist MIGUEL SEPULVEDA, continued from last month’s STORMWATCH #9! BLEEZ and the rest of the surviving RED LANTERNS head for ZAMARON to confront the STAR SAPPHIRES about their role in the poisoning of the RED POWER LANTERN.
- For the week of 6/13
- GRIFTER #10 – GRIFTER faces off against the DAEMONITES alongside DEATHBLOW and CHESHIRE!
- SUPERBOY #10 – WONDER GIRL, SOLSTICE, RED ROBIN, KID FLASH and BUNKER all guest-star in a story that connects to this month’s TEEN TITANS #10. Don’t miss SUPERBOY and WONDER GIRL, lost in an ancient world – with no adult supervision!
- DEMON KNIGHTS #10 – Part two of “ASSAULT ON AVALON!” While searching for MERLIN (Adam One), our heroes find KING ARTHUR…both of him!
- RAVAGERS #2 – Starring FAIRCHILD, THUNDER, LIGHTNING, RIDGE, BEAST BOY and TERRA! Trying to hide in the “real world” while on the run from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and its agents proves difficult for teen metas who stand out in a crowd! If they’re going to survive, these young heroes had better be ready to fight!
- For the week of 6/27
- VOODOO #10 – “DEAD CITY” begins as PRIS and the BLACK RAZORS pursue VOODOO into outer space! Is the Dead City really dead? If so, how do you explain the mutated DAEMONITES attacking from every direction?
- TEEN TITANS #10 – THE TEEN TITANS LOST in an inner-world! What did SOLSTICE learn from the LEGION LOST team during THE CULLING? Hint: It has to do with the mystery surrounding KID FLASH’S origin! BUNKER confronts RED ROBIN about the missing SKITTER! DINOSAURS – and a new threat!
00:56:52 – Joe continues with a shout out to Chris Striker, of the Higher Authority and websites. Remember to visit The Higher Authority’s message boards Clark’s Bar to continue the Wildstorm integration discussions amongst long time Wildstorm fans at Also big thanks to Chiclo, Sean, Jonesy, and Elveen from Only the Valiant Podcast for pimping our Helspont commercial from our show!
00:58:13 – Joe gives the contact details as shown below.
The opening music is “Universal Domain” by Dreamline which can be found at
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