Wildstorm Addiction Podcast – Episode 50

Wildstorm Addiction Podcast - Episode 50

Wildstorm Addiction Podcast - Episode 50Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed | iTunes

Show Notes: Welcome to a another episode of Wildstorm Addiction, two months in a row! Our resident Wildstorm experts Joe David Soliz & Benjamin Murphy review Midnighter #2 (2015).

00:00:40  – Joe welcomes everyone to episode #50 and gives the obligatory spoiler alerts warning (but really if you haven’t read any of these issues, you didn’t miss anything this past year). Remember, all written reviews on the website are spoiler free and usually get posted within a day of print release (Joe’s not doing anymore written reviews, for shame!).

00:01:06  – Joe continues with some SDCC “news” and follows up on some great listener mail.

00:04:01 – Listener Mail from 2014!!!

00:09:33 – Ben reviews Midnighter #2, released on July 1 and written by Steve Orlando with art by Aco, cover by Aco with variant cover Kevin Wada.

00:23:27 – Joe gives an update on other Wildstorm related sighting and tie-ins from the other DCU 52 issues for the past month. Zilch!

00:25:06 – Joe gives a run-down on the upcoming books and character appearances  in the new DCU June 2015 relaunch. Remember, all these books are available digitally the same day as the print release at the DC section of www.comixology.com

  • For the week of 8/05 – MIDNIGHTER #3 – Midnighter’s up against Multiplex, the man with the power of infinite self-replication—in other words, all his dreams are coming true! Infinite clones mean infinite bones to break…
  • For the week of 9/02 – MIDNIGHTER#4 –  Grayson and Midnighter—reunited at last! Granted, it wasn’t Grayson’s idea, and yes, technically Midnighter might have kidnapped him. And, uh, brought him to Moscow to fight a herd of feral vampires. Maybe this reunion is getting off on the wrong foot…
  • For the week of 10/07 – MIDNIGHTER #5 – Grayson and Midnighter have finally cornered the man selling the tech that was stolen from the God Garden! Unfortunately for them, he’s saved all the best toys for himself! Somebody’s not leaving Russia alive

00:27:44 – Ben gives some quick shout out’s to the new Facebook version of the Clark’s Bar: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1036575389702716/.  Get twice the Valiant coverage now with our friends of the show from the Only the Valiant podcast at http://www.onlythevaliant.com. We also want to mention our friends over at www.culturalwormhole.com and their Valiant Future podcast where Joe has been a regular co-host for over a year now.

00:28:33 – Ben continues with the contact details as shown below.The opening music is “Universal Domain” by Dreamline which can be found at http://www.musicalley.com.
Contact info:
Joe: http://twitter.com/joedavidsoliz
Wildstorm Addiction: http://twitter.com/wildstormaddict
Post your comments for each episode on the wildstormaddiction.com!
Email us: wildstormaddiction@gmail.com (Reinstated, bring on some new listener mail!).
Facebook Fan Page: Wildstorm Addiction Podcast Fan Page
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