Stormwatch #19

Welcome to the new Stormwatch! This is not issue #19, it reads more like a first issue. But that’s exactly what they’re doing with this title so it was very appropriate. This is definitely very new reader friendly. Starlin does what he does best as he infuses the title with his classic sci-fi feel. And Guichet’s art fits perfectly with what has proven to be a nice new beginning for the team.

Wildstorm Addiction Podcast – Episode 45

Welcome to another episode of Wildstorm Addiction! Our resident Wildstorm experts Joe David Soliz & Benjamin Murphy review the new DCU versions of Stormwatch #18, Ravagers #10 and Team 7 #6, as well as some other Wildstorm appearances in the new DCU 52! This month on our “Friends of Wildstorm” series, where we bring on a lifelong or recently converted fans of the Wildstorm Universe we have Jill Johansen a.k.a. Raye from Clark’s Bar. Jill is one of the regular’s at Clark’s Bar and is one who gets some great in depth discussions going on at the boards. She’s also really good at keeping up with posting news and she is an avid Apollo and Midnighter fan. Jill, gives us a quick background on why and when you started following Wildstorm.

Ben welcomes everyone to episode #45 and gives his spoiler alerts warning. Remember, all written reviews on the website are spoiler free and usually get posted within a day of print release. Plenty of Wildstorm news to cover this month.

Team 7 #6

Wow! I am so bummed this title is ending. Jordan kicked it into high gear last issue and keeps the momentum going here. We do get rotating artists once again but the story kept me so intrigued I didn’t notice it as much (even though there were 4 different artists). He also continues to give some truly oh **** moments that I absolutely love.

Ravagers #10

With the news of the title’s cancellation hanging over the issue like a gloomy storm cloud, the latest outing for the new creative team was not as strong as it had been in previous issues. There were some nice twists and turns in the issue but overall the disarray in DC’s editorial department seems to have caught up with this title.