Wildstorm Addiction Podcast – Episode 33

Wildstorm Addiction Podcast - Episode 33

Wildstorm Addiction Podcast - Episode 33Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed | iTunes


Show Notes:
Welcome to another episode of Wildstorm Addiction! Our resident Wildstorm experts Joe David Soliz & Benjamin Murphy review the new DCU versions of Stormwatch #8, Voodoo #8 and Grifter #8. But wait there’s more! We also review Superboy #8, and the Helspont appearance in Superman #7 & 8, as well as some other Wildstorm appearances in the new DCU 52.

00:00:33  – Joe welcomes everyone to episode #33 and gives his spoiler alerts warning. Remember, all written reviews on the website are spoiler free and usually get posted within a day of print release.

00:01:07  – Joe gives some Wildstorm related news as it pertains to the current books in the DCU.

  • Zealot to appear in Deathstroke, but not in Grifter!
  • Team 7 references dropped in two different titles this month.  One in Justice League #8 where it mentions Steve Trevor (Wonder Woman’s on again off again love interest) was in Team 7.  Also in Teen Titans #8 Agent Kurt Lance (Black Canary’s supposedly murdered husband) is shown to be alive and he mentions he was also part of Team 7.
  • Free Comic Book Day! How was it for you?

00:05:17 – Ben jumps right into the review of Stormwatch #8. Released released on 4/04, written by Paul Jenkins with art by Daniel Horn and Ignacio Calero and cover by Miguel Sepulveda. He pleads the fifth on thinking he understood any of the science fictiony mojo Paul was trying to make us swallow. And, yes, there is always a magic gun to explain away the icky sticky details for the “how” part of it.

00:18:36 – Joe follows up on his thoughts for the eighth issue of Stormwatch. He starts by working out the issue backwards. The internet wasn’t too receptive of how the Midnighter treated Jenny and Joe tries to explain the differences between the new DCU characters vs. the old Wildstorm characters (we seem to keep running into this problem).

00:26:52 – Joe reviews Grifter #8. Released on 4/11, written by Nathan Edmondson, with art by Daniel Sampere and cover by Scott Clark. This was Edmondson’s last issue on the title before Liefeld takes it over. Joe enjoyed this issue, can you believe it?

00:35:01 – Ben gives his assessment on Grifter #8….groan, grumble, grumble, groan. How is this title still making the cuts?!?! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE GRIFTER (the character), but this is not the title we were pitched way back in our interview last August. The most wanted man in the DCU? Maybe only by the new version of the Daemonites, but not by the heroes of this universe, as I believe was the intention.

00:39:46 – Ben reviews the eighth issue of the bat-sh#+! crazy alien Voodoo. Released on 4/25, written by Josh Williamson with art by Sami Basri and cover by Rod Reis and Paulo Siqueira. Ben thought the cover reminded him of the old Rat Fink cartoons if that was any consolation to John Tyler Christopher being pulled off of the covers.

00:58:35 – Joe gives his thoughts on Voodoo, which are very short and sweet. He did give a big shout out to Sami Basri who is one of the few artists in the new DCU, next to Brett Booth, who is very consistent on a single title.

00:59:32 – Joe gives a beat by beat review of Superboy #8. Released on 4/11, written by Scott Lobdell & Tom DeFalco with art by R.B. Silva and cover by Barbara Ciardo. (The Culling prelude) Joe equates the Culling to the Hungers Games type of young super-powered beings pitted against one another in order to be culled for the harvest by a baddie known as Harvest!

01:04:31 – Ben gives his assessment on Superboy #8, which reminded him more of Countdown Arena series from the 52 Countdown event since having just read this series.

01:06:09 – Ben reviews the issues #7 and 8 of Superman. Released on 3/28 and 4/25, written by Keith Giffen with art by Dan Jurgens and cover by Ivan Reis. The main concept is that Helspont believes he and Superman are the same and that he should be ruling humans not protecting them. The Daemonites cast Helspont out because of his powers and Supes is basically thinking he’s crazy (Thanks for the recap of issue #7 Joe!). Issue #8, Helspont wants Superman to help him take control of this universe and in turn will give Superman earth for himself and leave him and humanity alone. These issues contained a ton of fighting and possibly even more talking.

0114:39 – Joe gives an update on other Wildstorm related sighting and tie-ins from the other DCU 52 issue #8’s that have released last month.

  • 4/11 Legion Lost #8 – The Culling prelude
  • 4/18 Justice League #8 – Steve Trevor was part of Team 7
  • 4/25 Teen Titans #8 – The Culling prelude
  • 4/25 Blackhawks #8 – Agent Lance was part of Team 7

01:15:00 -Ben continues by giving a run-down on the upcoming books and character appearances in the new DCU relaunch. Remember, all these books are available digitally the same day as the print release at the DC section of www.comixology.com

  • For the week of 5/02
    • STORMWATCH #9  New writer PETER MILLIGAN comes aboard! APOLLO and MIDNIGHT battle RED LANTERN SKALLOX! V-MAN’S connection to STORMWATCH is revealed – and it’s a doozy!
    • TEEN TITANS ANNUAL #1 “THE CULLING” begins here! It’s the TEEN TITANS vs. THE LEGION LOST one mile beneath the Antarctic in the chamber of horrors known as the Crucible! Continued in this month’s SUPERBOY #9, LEGION LOST #9 and TEEN TITANS #9! Secret first appearance of Warblade!
  • For the week of 5/09
    • GRIFTER #9 Welcoming the new creative team of ROB LIEFELD, FRANK TIERI and SCOTT CLARK. Grifter’s troubles worsen as he races to stop the impending DAEMONITE invasion. Featuring the first appearances of DEATHBLOW and CHESHIRE in The New 52!
    • SUPERBOY #9 “THE CULLING” continues here from this month’s TEEN TITANS ANNUAL #1 and leading into LEGION LOST #9! SUPERBOY vs. ROSE WILSON – round two! The shocking debut of the all-new WARBLADE!
    • DEMON KNIGHTS #9 “THE MURDER OF MERLIN” begins! Who has the power to murder Merlin – and what else are they capable of?
    • LEGION LOST #9 “THE CULLING” continues from this month’s SUPERBOY #9! Even the combined powers of LEGION LOST and the TEEN TITANS won’t be enough to stop DARK HARVEST and his minions from committing mass murder! Continues in this month’s TEEN TITANS #9.
  • For the week of 5/23
    • VOODOO #9 A new direction for VOODOO starts now! Pris is forced to confront exactly what she has become after being experimented on by the DAEMONITES. Compelled to search for other victims like her, she’s offered a deal by the BLACK RAZORS…but wherever way she turns, it’s guaranteed more blood will be on her hands.
    • TEEN TITANS #9 “THE CULLING” finale! THE TEEN TITANS and THE LEGION LOST duke it out with N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and the madman known as Harvest to stop the slaughter ofinnocent children. This issue leads directly into this month’s RAVAGERS #1! Continued from TEEN TITANS ANNUAL #1 SUPERBOY #9 and LEGION LOST #9!
  • For the week of 5/30
    • THE RAVAGERS #1 First issue of a new series spinning directly out of “THE CULLING!” FAIRCHILD, brother and sister THUNDER and LIGHTNING, the monstrous RIDGE, BEAST BOY and TERRA are being pursued by ROSE WILSON and WARBLADE, who want them dead at any cost! No one’s survival is certain each month in THE RAVAGERS!

01:17:46 – Joe gives a shout out to Chris Striker, of the TheAuthority.ws and Stormwatch.ws websites. Remember to visit The Higher Authority’s message boards Clark’s Bar to continue the Wildstorm integration discussions amongst long time Wildstorm fans at theauthority.ws. DC Wormhole podcast episode 7 is out at culturalwormhole.com and they’re covering several of the new 52 books.

01:18:27 – Joe continues with the contact details as shown below.

The opening music is “Universal Domain” by Dreamline which can be found at http://www.musicalley.com.

Contact info:
Joe: http://twitter.com/grifter78
Wildstorm Addiction: http://twitter.com/wildstormaddict
Post your comments for each episode on the wildstormaddiction.com!
Email us at wildstormaddiction@gmail.com.
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