DC HeroClix: Batman-Grifter

Oh happy day! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ve known that Grifter was a part of this set for a while but to finally see it on the official site makes me want to tear up a little *sniff, sniff*. Anyway, I was a Heroclix player back when it first came out and got out of it around the time they introduced the cards into play. I’m not sure if I’ll go back to playing full time but I will say never did I think ANY Wildstorm characters would make it into this game. So to have the Wildcats as part of this Batman set is a truly a great treat!

Team 7 #0

Zero Month in the New 52 also brings a new wave of books with it and one of those is Team 7; a legendary team from the old Wildstorm Universe. Much like a Mission Impossible movie, Justin Jordan is tasked with introducing (or re-introducing) lots of characters in this book. It’s a fast-paced issue that does its job well by not only being an awesome origin issue but also a great jumping on point for anyone who wants another chance to get into the New 52.

Wildstorm Addiction Podcast – Episode 38

Welcome to another episode of Wildstorm Addiction! Our resident Wildstorm experts Joe David Soliz & Benjamin Murphy review the new DCU versions of Stormwatch #12, Grifter #12, Ravagers #4 and Voodoo #12, as well as some other Wildstorm appearances in the new DCU 52.

Joe welcomes everyone to episode #36 and gives his spoiler alerts warning. Remember, all written reviews on the website are spoiler free and usually get posted within a day of print release. Plenty of Wildstorm news to cover this month.