A couple of Heroclix releases featured over the last couple of days. We previously announced that as part of the DC Heroclix: Teen Titans set that The Ravagers and Gen 13 would be part of the set. Here are the released stats for both.
Yesterday, Terra was given a feature at the Wiz Kids website. Terra’s powers are accurately portrayed by using such Heroclix staples as Phasing/Teleport, Force Blast, and Pulse Wave to mimic Terra’s control of the ground beneath her feet. She also has the ability to use the Earth as her defense by using powers like Energy Shield/ Deflection and Defend. Check out more of her stats here:
Next up, is the Gen 13 team base. The team base is a new concept being introduced with this set. It allows you to use the assets of each team member on the base instead of having them all in a separate force. You can have all the members on the base or subtract some if you need a lower point value team. And having certain members on the base give the team powers like using Fairchild gives Super Strength to mimic her in-comic powers or Rainmaker gives you Energy Explosion to simulate her control of the elements. This is a still a new concept to and not one I’ve fully grasped yet. But it seems like an interesting dynamic and one I hope to test out in game play when I get my hand on these figures.