Grifter #3

Nathan Edmondson and CAFU take us into the third month of the New DCU 52 with the DCU’s most wanted man, Grifter, still on the run. Although still a solid title, I was hoping for a little more revelation in this issue but the awesome fight at the end did make up for a little bit.

Wildstorm Addiction Podcast – Episode 27

Welcome to another episode of Wildstorm Addiction! Our resident Wildstorm experts Joe David Soliz & Benjamin Murphy review the new DCU versions of Stormwatch #2, Voodoo #2 and Grifter #2. This is our first regular month episode with the inclusion of all of the titles we normally cover from the Wildstorm Universe in the new DCU. As well as any other appearances by other Wildstorm characters in the new DCU titles.

We do spoil the books we review in the podcasts, but remember that all written reviews on the website are spoiler free and usually get posted within a day of print release.

Stormwatch #3

THIS was the issue of Stormwatch I knew Cornell was building up to. There are some amazing concepts and some incredible action in this issue. If there are some people out there who follow the “I’ll get the first 3 issues and see where it goes” method, I hope that this issue has solidified Stormwatch as part of your monthly buys!

Voodoo #2

Ron Marz promised this would be a sexy book and that’s just what we got last issue. He also promised that this book would have some action in it and he definitely delivers with that as well in this issue.