Garrison #2

When I reviewed Garrison #1, I didn’t have much to say about it which is why it got a “Quick-Fix” review here at the site. It was a decent issue but based on what was presented I couldn’t find anything I wanted to elaborate on. Issue two is a totally different story though.

In issue one it’s basically established that everyone in the U.S. is under heavy surveillance. Everything people do is caught on camera and used against them if necessary. Along comes Garrison and he seems to be able to operate “in-between” all the surveillance enough to cause some chaos for the local authorities. The authorities have labeled him a serial killer but it’s obvious this is not what he is.

Garrison #1

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Wildstorm publication with Jeff Mariotte’s name on it. It’s been even longer since he’s written something that was published by Wildstorm. Jeff Mariotte was on several Wildstorm books back during their Image days. I know he’s done other original creations before but I hadn’t read any of them until now.
This issue is a decent set-up for the story. I’d equate it to the first 30-minutes of a film. There is some action, but even that seems to cater to the set-up and introduction of the story more than anything else. Mariotte does a good job of setting up our title character as a man of mystery. His motivations aren’t clear yet but his actions have the authorities after him. So far, there’s not much to know about Garrison the character but that’s part of the story itself. No one knows who this guy is or what to make of what he’s doing.

Wildcats #21

“Red Blade 3 of 3: Red Reign” (No Spoilers)
Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! What an amazing finish to this crazy high-speed car chase on crack of a storyline that Adam Beechen and Tim Seeley have kicked off their run with! These guys took the phrase “hit the ground running” to the nth degree with this one. This was a crazy superhero war! This is the kind of carnage that would be wrought if super-powered beings really got into it.
When I saw that their first arc was only going to be 3-issues I was a little concerned because I thought that was too short for an arc. Especially considering the kind of the story they were going to tell.

Wildcats #20

“Red Blade 2 of 3: Red Flags” (No Spoilers)
Another incredible issue from the new creative team! This can be considered the “Empire Strikes Back” of this premiere 3-part arc that Adam Beechen and Tim Seeley have constructed. Things do not bode well for our heroes. They just witnessed The Red Blade forces defeat an entire fleet and now they’re returning to finish off our heroes!
Even though many heroes are present, Beechen wisely keeps the focus down to a few while the others are either in the background or have smaller roles. Fans of The New Dynamix mini-series that came out in 2008 will get a nice surprise in this issue. It is also noteworthy that mid-way through the issue, the events we saw in Gen 13 #34 a couple of weeks ago come into play.